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Specialists in Engineering Projects Worldwide.

Engineering company

We generate mutually evolving relationships between companies and people.
Our network is not just for people looking for employment, it is for anyone who wants to know where he is headed and which path to follow. Consequently, when we connect companies with candidates, we do it departing from common knowledge of their future objectives.
Success in these relationships contributes to the efficiency of the processes and the welfare of teams which experience them.

Each step defines the career of a professional. However, it is common to find people who make their decisions thinking in the short term. Dynatec draws this path with each engineer.

We get it right

We match talent and opportunities thanks to processes based on our extensive knowledge and experience as an engineering company in Spain.

We adapt

We respond according to the project’s nature, its technical, geographical and planning peculiarities. We cover from the initial approach, all the way to the implementation of an engineering project.

We are experts

For the last 40 years, we have contributed to the success of hundreds of technical projects through selection of adequate professionals and consultants.

We anticipate

Thanks to the individual and collective intelligence of our professionals and our 40 years of experience, we live up to any current challenge.

High commitment

We create long-term relationships with engineering companies and engineering candidates. This is the only way to understand and target the same objectives.

 We diversify

We cover new and traditional sectors, today more than 200 professionals manage projects, solve technical challenges or compensate for work peaks, among other, in petrochemical, energy, industrial plants, IT, Automotive, and Chemical projects.

Trajectory as an engineering company:

empresa ingeniería españa
The Foundation
The 80's

In 1974 an American engineer, Burton Novack, founded Dynatec S.A. From the inception, the company stands out for the application of innovative methodologies within the Spanish sector and quickly becomes the preferred ally of the North American giant Bechtel Corporation. Dynatec is a reference in the nuclear power plants sector.

The 90's

Dynatec is consolidated as a company, has offices in Spain and the US, exceeds 300 employees and has more than 30 customers worldwide. Thanks to the recognition achieved in the industrial and energy engineering sectors, it participates in projects such as the FORD Engine Plant, the SKF Bearing Factory and the General Hospital of Catalonia.


proyectos de ingeniería madrid
empresas de ingenieria y construccion
The innovation
The 2000s

We face this century of changes with the experience accumulated in cutting-edge international projects and Dynatec’s spirit of transformation and adaptation. Today technology enhances our experience and allows us to further adapt our solutions to the challenges of multinational corporations and the expectations of specialized professionals.

Our allies in engineering projects

Our best introduction is the confidence achieved by the high level of commitment devoted into each engineering project.

empresa colaboradora ingeniería
trabajos y proyectos de ingeniería
empresas para proyectos ingenieros
trabajo para proyecto ingenieros
empresa ingeniería industrial
consultoría empresa ingeniería
ingenieria de proyectos
empresa proyecto de ingenieros españa
Dynatec Candidates

Today can be a good day.

Take control of your professional life and reach your professional goals.

Dynatec Companies

Find the key talent

Tell us what you need and we will find persons who will take your challenges as their own.

Dynatec News

07/12/2024 in Corporativa

Tres tecnologías innovadoras para luchar contra el cambio climático

En un panorama global donde los desafíos climáticos se intensifican y las secuelas del cambio climático se vuelven más evidentes, la necesidad de innovación y colaboración internacional nunca ha sido…
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07/08/2024 in Corporativa

Los gemelos digitales impulsados por IA: transformando los ecosistemas industriales

La revolución tecnológica está transformando los ecosistemas industriales a través de innovaciones como los gemelos digitales impulsados por inteligencia artificial (IA). Estas herramientas permiten optimizar la demanda energética, lo que podría…
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06/20/2024 in Corporativa

¿Que está haciendo China para estar en la vanguardia de la innovación nuclear?

China ha emergido como un líder global en el desarrollo y la implementación de tecnologías nucleares innovadoras. Este artículo explorará cómo China ha avanzado en el campo de la energía…
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06/14/2024 in Corporativa

El incremento de la demanda de energía en la era digital

En la actualidad, vivimos en una era donde la tecnología digital está redefiniendo nuestras vidas y el funcionamiento de nuestras sociedades. Sin embargo, esta transformación no viene sin consecuencias. Un…
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05/27/2024 in Corporativa

El momento Gutenberg y la Inteligencia Artificial

En el corazón del siglo XV, Johannes Gutenberg cambió el curso de la historia con una innovación que parece simple a nuestros ojos modernos, pero que fue revolucionaria en su…
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05/14/2024 in Corporativa

Tungsteno: la clave para el futuro de la fusión nuclear y las centrales eléctricas comerciales

Queremos compartir en nuestro blog algo realmente emocionante que está sucediendo en el mundo de la tecnología nuclear, específicamente en el campo de la fusión nuclear. Sabemos que puede sonar como…
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